In the field of sales techniques, as does the commercial success of a first date? To answer this question once we analyze the various points listed below, which will allow us to better understand what to do and what to show off attitudes in the presence of a potential customer: 10 valid indications to be exploited to the letter to be appreciated by a wary public.

# 1- Get information on your contact person
Before meeting a new contact person for your business presentation and offer him our products-services, always remember to find much information as possible about him : whether it’s habits, problems, needs or preferences, if you are willing to hit the mark you must prove that the other party already knows perfectly well what might really need.
# 2- Build a good relationship
As you enter the office of a new buyer, avoid starting the conversation talking business right away because, if you want to achieve good results, it is best that the person with whom you are in talks to acquire confidence to you: speaking of this and that less, showing you sociable and standing out for nice, exponentially increases the chances of you listen, appreciate and choose.
# 3- Focused questions
How to teach sales techniques, when you have the objective to close a contract or to make someone buy a certain good, you have to grasp its needs by asking some specific questions that, besides you may understand what to propose, will also help to present your solution in the best way : as soon as you learn the real needs of the contact, you can make him believe you are the right person to support it.
# 4- Take notes
If you are talking to a potential new customer, before pushing on your business presentation, make sure you understand the needs of the interlocutor taking notes and segregation precisely all the key points of the speech: in this way, while you focus scrupulously the situation of the subject, also can prove great professionalism.
# 5- Write down all the objections and respond with kindness
Make a note of all the concerns and objections of the contact person shows, as well as interest in this person, even the willingness to really listen to provide reassurances sincere and real solutions: when known some opposition, avoids answering rudely and keep the calm by showing that you’re really thinking about what you are told.
# 6- Learn to listen
When it comes to sales techniques, the most important advice of all is to learn the art of stifling the urge to interrupt to give their opinion: if you want to become a good business, 70% of the available time you have to listen to what others say and in the remaining 30% can intervene by asking questions and responding to any questions put by the interlocutor.
# 7- Learn the answers customer
The most crafty seller is always the one which, after a constructive dialogue with the buyer, fails to deepen the most important topics, placing of specific questions capable of revealing details that would not otherwise emerge: when you ask for more information about a certain question, does it start automatically at a closer level than that of the referent.
# 8- Identifies the primary need
Even if the other person may have different reasons for choosing your product-service, there exists always a more than all the other leads him inexorably (and sometimes even unconsciously) to the solution offered to you: if you can find the spring that can push it to a possible purchase, certainly increases the possibility of very close the sale.
# 9- Delete critical thinking by the counterparty
When the possible client raises a criticism about your proposal, tries to remove the objection making him think. The ways you have available in order to succeed in this are various, but the most effective consist certainly in your ability to:
- Give him a choice (if, for example, feared the payment in a lump sum, grant him a deferred formula);
- Getting to the heart of the matter (if, for example, says he’s not yet ready to your offer, ask him what his real concern);
- A solution (if, for example, you reply that it is willing to buy your product but only without shipping, screeners meeting).
# 10- Close the sale
In order for your company presentation can really result in an actual sale, after minutely observed all the previous steps, you have to proceed with decision until the contract is signed : Before congestion from the other person, so be sure to have it really convinced that you and only you are the right professional for him.
These are our 10 sales techniques that will help you make a good impression in front of any prospective client: effective solutions to take advantage of every first date to maximize business performance.