Forbes has compiled a list of nine rules for the proper management of the innovation process, not to proceed blindly risking missteps. Let’s see together how to elaborate by Forbes
How to launch innovative activities that are able to bring progress?
Grow, evolve, improve and make discoveries that can distort the beliefs of an entire planet, today as yesterday, the renewal can be reached along a myriad of different ways. Alternative routes that Forbes has selected and divided into 9 following concepts!

# 1- The innovation does not come from a single event
As Alexander Fleming had to wait 15 years to see the spread of penicillin discovered by him in 1928 but only came into circulation in 1943, also Alan Turing, after having sketched the idea first computer in 1936, he was forced to wait until 1946 to see the first prototype.
Although we tend to think that innovation is derived from a single stroke of genius, in reality, the process of innovation comes instead going through a series of specific steps identifiable initial intuition, in the design of a solution and in the transformation of a sector or field.
A similar path is almost never undertaken and concluded by a single individual or a single organization, but requires the intersection of multiple events.
# 2- The innovation comes from the combination of multiple components
The reason why Fleming failed to immediately bring into the market penicillin, lies in the fact that his only knowledge of biology did not allow him to take the plunge. Step though made about 10 years later thanks to two chemicals the likes of Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain, who have found a way to synthesize the substance.
Extraordinary milestone reached with the union of different skills, demonstrating how a great innovation occurs (in most cases) through the combination of several components, skills and brains.
# 3- To innovate we must ask the right questions
So that it is really possible to launch innovative activities, it is necessary that the resources used projected pose questions to obtaining a clear picture on which to make informed decisions.
If, for example, one wonders if good is defined as a certain problem, they are laying the foundation to face the same problem in a reasonable way, appealing to innovation matrix to find an appropriate solution and establishing the correct approach to be adopted to achieve Camera.
# 4- There are no right or wrong measures to make innovation
Although, quite often, the concept of innovation is associated with StartUp, the renewal can safely arrive from far larger companies.
Of course, the neo-born companies are leaner and faster than older companies with many employees, where even simple decisions require greater waste of time. But the known and rooted activities may still evolve quietly living annuity because of what sown in the past.
There are no right or wrong measures to make innovation. There are only the ability or inability to provide solutions to the real needs of its customers.
# 5- Add the ability to achieve innovation
When Microsoft launched Kinect for Xbox in 2010, has managed to sell in just two months 8 million devices, almost in the meantime, hackers around the world have begun to modify the product by altering the functionality. In response, the manufacturer, instead of intervening against hackers, has gone over to their side because he understood that, as unfounded, they were all working to improve the article.
This means making innovation: a glimpse into threats arising from outside a something good you can count on to evolve, grow and improve. But also combine their abilities with those of others in order to come to results otherwise impossible to obtain.
# 6- The disruptive innovation requires new business models
One of the main problems arising from innovation disruptive, concerns the fact that, very rarely, the trigger mechanism from that process manages to fit immediately into existing business.
Suffice, for example, think of Kodak: although in the past the company has built its fortune on the production of photographic film, the transition to the field of digital photography has been extremely slow, because the initial stage the company did not yet have a suitable business model for change.
# 7- Innovate following the rule 70/20/10
Innovative activities know that to get great results must always be based on the rule of 70/20/10 , where 70% is the research, 20% is adjacent markets and 10% is the new markets.
Believe that innovation means to remove the old to accommodate the new space is wrong, because the winning companies know that most of their profits continue to come in the future due to the current activities.
Think of Google: Despite being a reality projected development, applies the aforementioned rule by investing in 70% of cases in improving existing technology, in 20% of cases in indoor areas (for example, Gmail, Google Drive, etc.) And in 10% of cases in new areas (for example, the car that drives itself).
# 8- Digital age, the web and the platforms give access to the ecosystems of technology and innovation
And the case of Apple, which uses the App Store to get in touch with talented app developers, ready to support the company in the race for innovation. In a world increasingly geared to the online network, the surest way to achieve success is no acquisition or active control, but the broadening and deepening of connections.
# 9- Collaboration is the new competitive advantage
Looking back to analyze the actions of the great innovators of the past, we naturally think about what would have happened if things had gone differently. If, for example, the invention Fleming had been developed in weeks rather than in months, how many lives we could save?
The fact is that, with the passage of time, the problems to be solved become more and more complicated. And for this we must take advantage of the collaboration as an advantage Competitive aimed at providing better solutions more quickly: interact with other bright minds to come today results for the most sensational day.
These are the 9 rules proposed by Forbes and addressed to innovative activities: targeted solutions that link the growth, evolution and development.