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Why school marketing is essential

Marketing a school is often not a priority, and when budgets are tight, it can come low on head teachers’ to-do list. However, if you want your school to be a success story that inspires others, here are some reasons why you should start marketing right away:

Stay ahead of the competition.

Schools are constantly competing with each other to attract the best students, and this is the top reason why marketing is essential. A school needs a robust, professional, and consistent brand image. For advice on where to begin, consider what makes your school unique. What are you and the students proud of? Pick something special about the school and focus on that for your marketing efforts.

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Attract higher calibre staff.

Teaching staff driven and determined to succeed will be looking for a school that shares this vision and passion. With a consistent marketing plan demonstrating forward thinking and professionalism, the school is more likely to become a sought-after location for the best teachers. For advice on marketing your School Prospectus Design, go to

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Boosts your school’s image

When colours, logos, mottos, and layout are consistent across all media, it is easier for parents, students, and the community to recognise your school’s branding instantly. This will lead to creating a positive image that will build trust in that establishment. Remember that continuity across your marketing strategy will achieve this much quicker, whether it’s social media or the school’s website.

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