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Planning your Home Extension

An extension to your property helps you to create some more space in your home without having to move house. As well as the property market looking a little uncertain with many financial advisors saying that now is not the time to be buying, there is also the fact that moving house is a real headache, and if you are happy where you are, just in need of more space, an extension is the perfect solution.

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An extension not only gives you the space that you want but it also benefits you by adding value to your property too. When you are planning to add an extension, you do need to make sure that you are following the correct rules and procedures, as failing to do so could mean being ordered to take your extension down.

Finding an architect to work with you and bring your dreams to life is one of the first things to do when you are planning an extension. An architect will also have a lot of knowledge about planning regulations, so they are good people to speak to about it and can offer you advice. When choosing an architect for a home extension, look for residential architects as they will specialise in homes.

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If you are unsure, you should always check with the planning department at your local council beforehand, as you don’t want to end up being in the position of having to remove your lovely new extension!

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