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The Word Marble Comes From the Greek Word Marmaron.

Meaning “Shining Rock”, the Greek word Marmaron was the origin of our more modern word “Marble”.  This natural and abundant material has been used since Ancient times to create beautiful, long-lasting floors as well as statues and ornate pillars.  Nowadays, Marble Tiles are still used by professional, reputable, skilled Craftsmen and Women such as // because of their benefits including, 1) Durability, 2) Eco-Friendly, 3)  Easy to Clean, 4) Allergen-Resistant, 5) Temperature Adaptation, 6) Increasing the value of a Home and 7) Elegant Finishes.

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Let’s look at each of these benefits in closer detail, 1) Durability, Marble is one of the most popular flooring options because of its scratch-resistant, hardwearing surface that can last for decades if installed properly. 2) Eco-Friendly Marble is an abundant, natural mineral that is biodegradable at the end of its long life. 3) Easy to Clean, Marble can be very easily cleaned, and because of its moisture-resistant surface, spills are simply wiped away. 4) Allergen Resistant, Marble’s naturally smooth surface helps to prevent dust, dander or pollen from collecting and if there is any dirt the surface allows you to see dust and allergen particles easily,

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5) Temperature Adaptation, Marbles natural construction allows it to withstand drastic temperature changes without cracking or buckling.  It’s cool to walk on in the heat of the summer and warm enough in the winter to walk on barefoot.  6) Increases Value of Home, 7) Elegant Finishes, Marble can be customised with a wide range of unique inlays.

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