3 Things that Warren would have liked to know before you start a business and to enter the list of successful companies…
You are about to open a business and looking for an efficient system that allows you to indent as soon as your start up within the category of successful companies?
Here are three valuable suggestions provided directly by Warren Cassell Jr. (16 year old young entrepreneur of Montserrat in the Caribbean).
Although young, Warren, in three points, exposes some very interesting concepts and anything but trivial: three things you would want to know before starting his career in the world of start-ups, three straight we want to repeat as food for thought.

#1- Reduced Goals lead poor results
Flying low unpretentious neither allows you to center of the great goals, let alone to embrace a development strategy actually projected to growth …
… If you want to achieve the important objectives you must first learn to think big considering the glass is always half full.
You intend to turn your business idea into a business solid and profitable? Strive to imagine that the 100 clients of which you might need to feel comfortable from the economic point of view should become 100,000 and there are no geographical barriers beyond which you are not allowed propose, because a really useful and effective project, if built with good foundations, works without any problems anywhere in the world.
#2- All successful companies rely on a strong brand and a firm message to be transmitted
Since winning to open an activity, it is absolutely necessary to have clear ideas on objectives.
Before you realize your business project, you spend part of your time to ask who you want to become, what you mean to propose and what kind of benefits should ensure your products-services.
Depending on the response, identifies the message to be launched to the public and continues undaunted to pass it every day with as much clarity as possible: if your brand is engraved in large letters in the minds of customers, suppliers, competitors and employees, for sure you already reached one of the most important goals.
#3- Consumers spend when they perceive value
Those who open a start-up should not think that the only way for her through the difficult initial phase is to reduce prices with the intent to be cheaper than competitors, but rather should focus on the actual value of the products-services offered : if the individual proposals ensure quality and practical benefits from touch and can make people understand the real potential of what has been provided, for sure exponentially increases the chances of gaining success because, in addition to please the public, and the stimuli to speak well of yourself with friends, acquaintances and family members.
These are the three great tips provided by the young entrepreneur Warren Cassell Jr. : valuable tips to make the most when you choose to open a business to achieve excellent results in the short term.