If you sell a long time and if you do it successfully, you develop a kind of sixth sense that helps you figure out when the customer in front of you is losing interest in your proposal so much that you risk losing a sale.
This instinctive element is obviously very useful because if you identify when this happens, you can also take the necessary countermeasures. To succeed in this is much more productive than losing a sale and be forced to start from scratch with another potential customer.
Fortunately, even without this sixth sense, it is also possible for those who does not sell for a lifetime or are not used to do it very often (typically Professionals, Craftsmen and Small Entrepreneurs), to understand when you are faced with a potential customer whose level of interest is falling significantly.
There are some sentences, in fact, that are like a clear signal that you are seriously in danger of losing a sale.
Basically, if you hear one of the four following statements (or similar), you’re in trouble, and if you do not want to lose a sale, you should immediately change your strategy:
1) “My schedule is full for the next [days, weeks] … maybe we feel a few … to the limit I contact …”
This is a clear signal. It’s just a nice way to get away. If what you propose was for him a problem or priority, rest assured that the time would find it.
If this happens to you often, you may have a problem in the prospecting phase. You are able to outline well the people you come in contact? You are able to identify potential customers who need what you propose now?
If this is not the problem, then you have to analyze your sales process.
You can always highlight the differentiating elements, uniqueness and benefits of what you propose? You are able through the appropriate questions to create a strong “connection” between what you propose and requirements / needs of the client?
2) “I / we have a proposal by” competitor “which is [more economical … we consider most reliable … more adequate …]”
There are two possible reasons why a potential customer quotes or expressly praises your competitor.
First, look for a lever to negotiate more effectively in its favor, or, really believes that the aforementioned competitor or his proposal is much better than yours.
Either way, know that “attack” the competitor would not produce any benefit … indeed.
Instead, re-orients the conversation by asking, for example: “May I ask to what elements depends on this belief?”
If the prospect is cautious, you can learn with one or more questions like: ” It so [the price .. reliability .. this feature …] your priority, right? “
Only after understanding what is or what are the essential elements for the customer, you can determine whether and on what you can do to bring new value to your proposal.
3) “This [Function / warranty / feature of the product or service / …] is very important for us and I do not see in your proposal …”
Not always what you propose can be the ideal solution for all customers and if you do not have that for your potential customer is critical that you do not find yourself in trouble.
There is a solution in these cases?
Yes, but only if you can create a plausible alternative to the needs expressed in this way, or to objectively understand that perhaps what is not revealed concretely so important.
4) “I / we do not [this] available budget”
Functionally to where you are in the sales process, this objection can mean:
“I do not want to talk to you” (Rapport)
“You have not demonstrated the value of what you propose” (Presentation / Demo / objections Management)
“I want a discount” (Trading)
It is different if the claims are more distinct like, “We cannot buy anything at the moment because we have no more budgets” or “We cannot access any funding at this time.”
In that case, you can change the state of things only by acting properly and documenting the ROI of your proposal: “I understand, but at this stage it is important for us to only consider whether our proposal may have a significant return on investment for you because … this could also change the feedback on the budget necessary”.
As always, in the sale, listening and questions count more than the ability to speak and the above shows you, once more, how important it is to keep the ever ears open.
Hear this statement is not a good sign but it is better to understand immediately when the potential customer is revealing a low interest. Better because, as long as it is in front of you, you can still take a different strategy or a more effective sales technique.