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Plumber or heating engineer: which do you need?

Do you have a problem with your pipes and don’t know where to turn? Perhaps the boiler needs fixing and you’re not sure who to call. Sometimes, it’s hard to know if you’re in need of a plumber or an engineer. In this brief guide, we provide you with the most essential knowledge about who does what, so that you always know who to call.

Plumbers are primarily skilled at pipework, with a focus on water systems. A plumber can help with anything from a blocked drain to a new bathroom. They will also assist with water pipe issues and leaks.

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The key thing to remember is that plumbers are not gas safety engineers or boiler specialists. So they will not be able to flush out heating systems or repair a boiler. Having said that, some plumbers are able to change radiator valves, install hot water cylinders, or install heated towel rails, even though these things are connected to the heating system.

If you need a plumber in Cheltenham, look for a service that has a good reputation. If you have a blockage or burst pipe, then you may need to find an emergency plumber Cheltenham.

Heating Engineer

If you have a problem with your boiler or heating, however, then you will need a heating engineer. Heating engineers are specifically trained to repair or replace gas pipes, flush heating systems and repair boilers. However, only a qualified boiler installer can actually install a new boiler for you. Both heating engineers and boiler installers need to be Gas Safe Registered.

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If in doubt, ring or email your local plumber or heating engineer and try to explain the issue you’re having. A good service provider will always explain what is and isn’t within their area of expertise.

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