Too heavy attachments, chain letters 2.0, reply to all indiscriminately. There are just some of the common mistakes that we make every day to use the e-mail. Before sending an email you should have a clear idea of what is right or wrong strictly considering the huge amount of emails that are sent every day for business purposes and not only. Today, most professionals write emails with such frequency and speed, it is difficult not to fall into blunders. The suggestion is to enter the email address of the recipient as the last thing, when you are really sure you want to send the message. Only in this way, you can avoid unpleasant consequences.
The experts, among the globally leading specialist recruitment, drew up a veritable handbook of “do not do” to behave properly on the Internet in sending mail field…
1. How to use the “reply all”
Who receives the e-mail message as the main recipient must act on and respond taking copies all recipients; while those who received the email in “carbon copy” is only informative and is not held to account. Should he wish to make any additional information to the correspondence is always good to use with caution the “Reply All”: it can choose to reply only to the sender or to the most suitable person.
2. Do not badmouth colleagues by mail
The content of emails sent by the company computer should not be considered private: why we need to pay attention to what you write, so that the message could harm the same sender in the future. You should not write such stupid messages or which speaks ill of a colleague, the boss even worse, because it could mistakenly get to those directly affected, by passing really embarrassing moments to the person who sent them.

3. Heed of email forwarding
Also working in a hurry and under pressure, in order to avoid real gaffe and prevent more serious trouble in the office, you must avoid forwarding email with sensitive content to the wrong recipient. It should be given the utmost attention: a click too and sensitive information and undisclosed might become public.
4. No attachments to too heavy
It should be borne in mind that it does not post too heavy attachments, avoiding clog the recipient’s mailbox. By now most people use the mail on smartphones and tablets and receive large attachments can really be annoying.
5. Avoid spam
It is contrary to netiquette to send spam and messages belonging to St Anthony chains. This type of match is not only useless and clogs up your mailbox, but is considered annoying by most recipients.
6. Do not send messages without object
Sending mails even without an object is not recommended. The object is useful to categorize messages and give them priority in the reading order. Moreover, a good object prevents the message from being deleted before being read.
7. Ask the confirmation of reading with discretion
It is a good idea to pay attention to when to request a read confirmation. In most cases, in fact, it gives only boredom. If it is really important to know if the message has been read, it is much more effective targeted phone.

8. No in all caps
Do not make indiscriminate use of words written in capital letters. In fact, they correspond to the tone of a high speech and thus denoting nervousness voice.
9. If bulk, use the CC and CCN
Especially right is sending mass emails. If you have to send an email to multiple recipients who do not know, never place all of them in the “To” or “CC”. In this way the addresses, often private, would be openly shown to all the recipients, with an implicit violation of privacy, better to choose the CCN.
10. Respond to quote
Replying to a message by including the sender’s text also allows you to retain a reference for subsequent responses, facilitating the understanding of the conversation.