The first concern of an entrepreneur when setting up business for sales. However, once the business begins to grow, the entrepreneur realizes that many other administrative activities consume a high percentage of its time. The phenomenon is such that there comes a point where organizing and managing a venture can take more time than the one left to the entrepreneur available to continue visiting clients and truly expanding their company. Thus, the very logistics of operating a business becomes a bottleneck to make it grow, leading to a point where the entrepreneur is trapped by its own success.
How to break this vicious circle? The answer lies in technology. A suitable technological platform to manage our business can generate great value and free time for entrepreneurs to dedicate to growth. Speaking of “technology” we mean specifically to start using software platforms called “business management software” (poorly called in the middle as “Accounting Software”, as they began a few years ago, but now they do much more than that, Allowing management of critical processes in addition to accounting such as billing, sales, customer and supplier management, inventory management, and management reporting, among others.
To give perspective to our research, let us remember that simply “forgetting the administrative and dedicating ourselves to selling” is not an option to maintain a healthy business. The lack of administrative control is serious: it can lead to possible thefts, multiple inefficiencies that get us out of the market and even – for example, when accounts receivable are not managed on time – to potential liquidity crises that can break a company. Therefore, assuming that any growing business should be managed well, let’s look at how business management software (or administrative software) significantly facilitates this work …
1) Deploying business management software allows all people to do the same thing in the same way (for example, they receive and enter items in the inventory in the same way, generate an invoice in the same way, or enter customer data from the same way). Standardization significantly accelerates the management of a business because the manager knows that processes are being carried out in an organized manner and can quickly generate statistics and understand or compare what is going wrong or going well in the process, in any of the establishments Or geographies in which it operates.
2) The administrative standardization through the use of software allows to identify which person generated what transaction or process within a company. This is possible because management software operates by “users”, taking control of a) the permissions that each user has to generate a certain action on the platform – which is critical to protect confidential business information – and b) leaving A record of what process each person performed, establishing accountable when there is an error, a loss or possible theft. Thus, after the installation of a management software, the entrepreneur improves administrative control over the business since it does not have to be essentially auditing, in each establishment, how the inventory is handled, The receipt of cash in a box, or other delicate processes. Undoubtedly, this frees the entrepreneur time to dedicate to generate new sales and grow your company.
3) One of the administrative processes that consumes the most time has to do with the training of employees to facilitate the growth of the company. We are talking about teaching a new person who was hired to perform specific job, such as front desk attendance, order generation of merchandise to stock inventory, or portfolio control to ensure customers pay, among others. Standardizing the processes through an administrative software allows to establish a clear roadmap of what a new employee has to do to carry out its role effectively and efficiently. In other words, the software itself helps to “document” the steps of an operational process so that it can be easily taught to others.
To conclude, we invite you to reflect on what stage your company is in. If you have already succeeded in producing a product or service that is successful in the market, and as you grow and see how the administrative absorbs it, we invite you to explore modern software solutions to manage your business.