After determining the type of person you need, the first step in the process is to generate a pool of candidates. For this purpose you can use some conventional methods and others that are less so, but in any case follow the following recommendations…
Always remains on the lookout for people
Even if you are not in a position to hire someone right now, you should think about the person who might need six or twelve months, and start looking for candidates.
Go straight to the point
Once you’ve decided what you want, contact your colleagues, people with whom he has worked, friends of friends, and your trade association for leads. If you are looking for a salesperson, talk to customers to find out who serves best.
Search in unconventional places
For example, an appropriate place to find entry – level employees or administrative offices are hiring universities. They can help you find permanent staff or sometimes you can contact with interns who work for free.
Invest money
If you are looking for high – level people and your network will not worked, maybe you need to hire the services of company recruiters. Experts agree that entrepreneurs have to overcome the stage of not wanting to spend money if looking for a good candidate. Considers negotiate a commission with a company recruiters if your search is unsuccessful.