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Companies are clear that they have to adapt to technology but many do not know how

Internet has become a crucial part in the life of businesses and an almost essential definitely in the lives of consumers. The network has changed everything and has led a number of changes and adjustments that were previously not needed. Now brands have to be fully aware that consumers are always connected and that they are connected 24 hours or have to starless. The network has created the need to generate content at all times, be quick in customer service, to be present in more and more screens or being able to deliver products or services when consumers need them and at that time accurate.

But the changes imposed on the network are actually not so visible or so clear, you could say better, and in fact brands have trouble following the pace and adjust to the new requirements and needs. What internet has changed? Brands have yet to really adjust to this and many still have to find a way to fit in with those realities.

Many brand managers are clear that they have to make a digital transformation and are convinced that they have to adjust their companies and their signatures to the new reality. But at the same time they are aware of these needs and these obligations are not so much with what this change and this adjustment entails. What really means the digital transformation? What they need to do to adjust to this change? The truth is that, despite everything, are not so clear.

Studies do little more than demonstrate this complex reality. As demonstrated by a study by Code Computerlove, 86% of those responsible for business are clear that the digital transformation is a crucial business element, but even though they are fully aware of the importance of this issue only half can really understand what you’re talking about.

But they are not only confused about what is or is not really the digital transformation but are also equally blind as to whether they are really doing things right touches, as reflected in a study by The Drum. According to the study, 66% of a company that is leading to a transformation process has really only half aware that these changes are being measured scientifically.

And indeed this be medium to dark is one of the main issues that slows the transformation and has become one of the elements that most businesses delay. One fifth of respondents say that not knowing is the main barrier they face because they do not know what they have to implement and also what strategy to follow. Not knowing the fear of the risks (20%) that makes companies stay a little dark in digital transformation adds.

How they fit and what they spend?

How is being updated business to new times? What are the changes that are forcing brands in what refers to digital transformation? In fact, business leaders are focusing on certain elements recurrently. computer systems and relations with workers are the key points around which everything revolves scanning process brands.

Thus, the most popular formula in which marks are updated and adapted to the digital revolution is to draw on an upgrade of their legacy systems (65%) or investing in a new system (29%). Thus updating and digital transformation is directly equated to just buy technology.

To these figures must be added those who use technology in their relationship with employees and partners, which makes the digital change is seen as a tool to improve relations. 47% invested in training within or hiring staff to lead technological change, 41% changed their agreements with agencies or creates zero and 29% committed to clinch a business consulting.

The digital transformation is more than a new ERP

The truth is that the digital transformation is much more complex than buying a new tool technology or sign a new worker with a great domain in a techie element. These are points needed and possibly stages that brands have no choice but to go, but they are not the only elements needed to adapt to changes and not the only ones that matter when connecting with consumers in new times.

The digital transformation is more than just changes marked by technology: it is also a change in strategy and a change of ‘spirit’. Brands do not have to buy a new ERP, but they have to learn how to run a new world and how to operate it.

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