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What makes a good Sci Fi film

One of the most compelling and expensive forms of Hollywood film is that of the science fiction movie.  There are very few examples of any being made on a low budget but when they are they have to be relatively successful.  As a rule though this is the big budget productions that bring in the most visitors to cinemas. Doing a science fiction film justice in your own home is made a lot easier when you have a Luxury Home Cinema Essex based can provide.

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The first thing that a decent science fiction film needs to have is a concept that is engaging and original in its inception.  However, this could be argued with any kind of genre but when the vast sums of investment required by science fiction movies are involved then it becomes a very persistent point.

Visually, a good science  fiction film has to be arresting and stunning.  Though it doesn’t have to always be set in space, there does have to be a series of particularly spectacular effects which are separated from the norm of other films.  Without this level of technical execution many science fiction films followed by the wayside or just simply look poor and shoddy at best.

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However, it should be remembered that there needs to be some kind of human element to the story otherwise it plainly won’t work.  The most fantastic-looking science fiction film in all the world still needs to have a good plot and storyline behind it

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