The speed of your website is now more important than ever in today’s digital world. Clicking on a link, and then waiting…and…waiting…for the page load is a familiar feeling. We don’t all have the patience, and neither do your customers. Page load speed is important. You’ll lose conversions, frustrate your visitors and drop in search engine ranking if your site loads too slowly. For advice on Website Design Northants, contact
First impressions are important
Websites are often the first contact point between you and your target audience. Within seconds, a person’s first impression of your website is formed. It takes users about 50 microseconds (0,05 seconds) to form an opinion about your site. Fast-loading pages instantly signal professionalism and trust. A slow-loading page, on the other hand, can cause frustration before you even have a chance to showcase your content.
A staggering 53% of mobile users leave a website that takes more than three seconds. In just a few short seconds, you’ve lost more than half your audience. If your website is slow, it doesn’t really matter how beautiful it looks. People won’t stay to see it.
Mobile users are especially impatient
Optimisation for mobile performance has become a necessity, as over half of web traffic is now coming from mobile devices. Mobile users expect websites to load quickly wherever they are – on a bus or in a café, for example. Mobile networks aren’t as fast as desktop connections. If your site isn’t optimised for mobile, loading times could skyrocket.
Page speed and conversion rates are linked
The conversion rate is the percent of website visitors who take a specific action such as signing up for your newsletter or making a purchase. Your conversion rate is likely to suffer if your page loading speed is slow.