Start your own business and become an entrepreneur brings many responsibilities and challenges. Discover 20 of the best tips: Steve Jobs to Walt Disney.
Are you thinking about how difficult it out on your own and seek suggestions to become successful entrepreneur? Then they would certainly benefit the 20 straight following real advice and tips from some of the most influential entrepreneurs in history, allowing you to start off your new professional experience.
# 1 – Challenge yourself
The Virgin Group founder Richard Branson explains the importance of always continue to challenge themselves, treating life as a long process of study, during which, every day, learn something new to improve and increase your knowledge.
# 2 – Do a job that interests you
Running a business requires a lot of time. According to former Apple chief executive Steve Jobs, the first rule in life satisfaction is certainly to engage in an activity that deeply passionate. In contrast, the long time spent in our company will be an unbearable burden.
# 3 – Accept the risks
For the CEO of Jeff Bezos when you choose, to start your own must always be willing to take risks, because what we may regret in the future is never any failure, but rather the awareness of having even tried.
# 4 – Believe in yourself
According to the founder of Ford Motor Company Henry Ford , and he who believes in himself can reach any goal because in one way or another always manages to find a solution to get around the obstacles, who does not believe in himself spends much of time available to look for excuses justifying your failures.
# 5 – Have a clear vision
According to founder and CEO of Tumblr David Karp, to become an entrepreneur and be successful we must first have a clear view of your business idea, through which to base transform the initial project into a flourishing, handsome and consolidated.
# 6 – Surround yourself with the right people
The LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman says that the easiest way to improve yourself is to get closer to people whose characteristics and qualities are the exact copy of what you actually want to be us.
# 7 – Face your fears
For the writer and journalist US Arianna Huffington, who wants to be successful from a personal point of view and professional, he must learn to deal with every day your fears head-on, taking full advantage of all the courage at its disposal.
# 8 – Take action
According to the words of the writer, animator and filmmaker Walt Disney, the world is full of great ideas, but only the action can lead to success: the only effective way to get good results is to act.
# 9 – Take your time
Again according to Steve Jobs, the first rule to achieve work objectives it is to never fear to invest the time in creating and developing its business plan: what really matters is not wasting weeks, months or even years without concluding anything.
# 10 – Build a great team
To build a great success serves above all a great team that enables the company to grow and develop being able to rely on a solid foundation: the team is an essential component without which no business project can survive.
# 11 – Select employees with character
When it comes to choose the staff to be included in your StartUp it is important to consider both the skills and capabilities that the character shown by the same: determined, honest, courageous and professional allow to obtain the best evidence since shortly.
# 12 – Consider the difficulties of raising capital
The venture capitalist Richard Harroch explains how important it is to consider from the outset the difficulties presentable during the capital raising phase : finding funding may be a longer and complex process than expected, but well aware of it before you even start your own business are not created false expectations that over time generate discouragement and thoughts.
# 13 – Setting goals
According to co-founder of iContact Ryan Allis, who decides to start his own business with the intent to be successful, having set precise objectives, must do everything possible to achieve them: Know in advance what targets to cut in the short and long period helps you to embark on a path of growth that leads the company to grow steadily.
# 14 – Learn from mistakes
For many entrepreneurs already established by the time the error committed in the past is still the best teacher for the future, because they learn from your mistakes means approaching every day to a new success.
# 15 – Know your customer
For the founder of Wendy’s Dave Thomas the knowledge of its customers is undoubtedly one of the main keys to getting a professional level success: know more than anyone else of accustomed consumers to buy products-services from a certain company is the best way to provide those who buy the solutions they need.
# 16 – Listen to complaints
According to the founder and honorary president of Microsoft Bill Gates, as the complaints of the public dissatisfied provide an invaluable source of learning, must always be listened to with great attention and analyzed in detail to understand how to improve the proposed service ensuring greater satisfaction to customers.
# 17 – Ask the audience what it wants
Assuming that even meeting customer requests, you probably do not lead your business to success, it is still important to know and to learn from what the public wants.
# 18 – Avoid to spend and spend
Even if you become an entrepreneur can cause a certain outlay for the start of business, the rent of the headquarters, the purchase of furniture, etc., It is important to remember to avoid as much as possible any kind of waste, because the money saved today, tomorrow can be reinvested in the development of the new company.
# 19 – I understand the industry in which you work
According to the founder of Zappos’ Tony Hsieh, the only way to be successful after deciding to go it is to fully understand the industry product in which you are working, so that they can juggle without imposing on competition issues.
# 20 – Give more than you expect the public
For Google’s Larry Page the fact that guarantee customers more than the same actually expect is the best way to create a loyal audience of followers always ready to express your satisfaction and to acquire new products or to request other services.