Marketing formulas change almost daily. Not only they have shortened the life cycles of products, also cycles validity of the formulas of success in marketing. What worked two years ago, today is obsolete. There are many aspects that this affects the evolution of the main customers, new resources, but above all this network of networks.

I wrote, kept training sessions and consulting not many years that not all the company had to be on the internet ago, it was still a residual channel and did not have as much impact as “sold” in specialized media, at least for the most companies by their profile, activity and target, and firmly believe that in those years, do not speak beyond 5, it was what kept absolutely current and as argued. Shortly thereafter, my opinion is different, because now I maintain that for the majority of companies or 95% of them managed properly in the online world is a must. It has occurred in a short period of time scanning process that requires the presence of one form or another of most companies. I’m not sure if this has been by widespread use of the Internet, or against the interest by companies in turn upside down in this medium, has led to the requirement that people have to use the medium, ultimately do not know what it was before chicken or the egg.
The only certainty is that at present, is very common behaviors such as checking the Internet when you do not know someone, look for references on the Internet, when you know a company that does, go to their website to see, when you have references of the new restaurant that you feel like going, ask or review opinions in forums or social networks, ultimately the volume of value we can get on the net, imposes its use and conditions of use to users. That is why companies do not have to think only in e-commerce to have a presence on the network. Not only those who sell their products online are those who have to worry about how they do on the Internet, but this channel is a means of relationship with customers, community, suppliers, etc., so the fact of having a facebook page, a Twitter account, email account, or Skype, requires you to respect and apply the rules of presence in this channel. It is an aspect of digitization of companies that usually has gone almost unnoticed for many organizations and even many have not noticed that they are accepting new rules of behavior, these significant impact on the commercial, when they are present on the Internet. This presence may provoke the company itself by its own will, but certainly if you do not want to be on the network, certainly through comments, photos, videos, studies or commented on by customers, suppliers, friends will get you there experiences and have to play or yes bound form.
We know that everything the company sells, so neglect wherever we are, where our brand is present, is a network error increase exponentially to do so inadequately. That is why we must take care of the content and format of our mailing, personal and environmental presence in our video conferences, our language and content in social networks, and facilitate them to find us when we seek, get to get to all those customers who now not arrived by limiting it off line, or generate better serve customer value that we now have more rapid, appropriate communications, improve customer service with the possibilities and resources we have, etc. and that this is done conveniently from a commercial point of view.
Marketing online every day is becoming more essential for anyone who has a business or professional activity and offer something to the market whether it sells directly to the network or not (eye !, which also work for others are affected obviously also forced to respect certain rules that enhance their personal brand). All this is what this imposing digitization of businesses, be present voluntarily or involuntarily worry about having the right presence and show commercially acceptable behavior in any online tool that we use, it is imposed on us by the new rules In Internet.
What has been said is true and there are companies that are very clear, they spend time, resources and efforts to create a good brand image on the internet. However they worry me a little more these small businesses or certain autonomous / liberal professionals who are not as aware of this situation and move your personal world to the network, mistaking his trademark with personal brand and this can cause a big headache . To all / as they say that the Internet is a showcase that every day becomes more important, also for them, and do not take certain decisions towards improving our presence and brand in the network you can give us a lot of headaches and have consequences very negative in our turnover.Digitization of enterprises and individuals, forces all internet are in one way or another, so we must be very cautious and professionals with our presence in the online. Before it was a question of will dominate the internet medium, now it imposes be vigilant and to be commercially solvents in this channel, this due to increasing digitization process which we live.