The marketing online winning the battle to traditional marketing. And it seems that war is decanted to the side of the first. This is what emerges from the intentions of business investment in the coming months, they recognize – in 80% of cases that will increase their budgets to implement online marketing strategies.
According says a study published by the company Mondo, which has surveyed 262 executives B2C and B2B companies, the intention of the companies within the next 12 to 18 months is to opt for digital marketing. In fact, 40% of respondents said it plans to increase its budget between 5 and 10%; 32% said it would increase between 10 and 15% and 9% said the increase less than 5%.

However, the main limit to found businesses in charting their online marketing strategies is precisely to find the right professional. Specifically, this study reveals that 65% of respondents claim to have trouble finding qualified talent. Next in the list of barriers to hiring the high cost of finding these professionals (30% of executives mark this option); the difficulty of attracting them to the company (21%) and retaining (16%).
Among the justifications offered by this study highlights one over the other: the average age of online marketing professionals and the time needed for a campaign to generate the expected results. Thus, in the case of these professionals within it lies between 12 and 18 months while the average time required for traditional marketing professionals to do this work stands at 45 months.
Profile of professional and formats used
Also, the survey also analyzes what is the profile that should have professionals to lead these online marketing strategies. The social media experts take the palm, with one in two companies recognizes that contract the services of a specialist in this area.
Next in the ranking professionals able to perform quality content (44%), analysts of results (33%) and specialists in online marketing strategic mobile (30%).
By contrast, traditional marketing professionals are located in the tail of the needs of companies and only 24% of these said that plans to hire creative services or experts related to enhancing its products and services.
In this sense, the study is also interesting when analyzing the formats used online businesses to enhance their online strategies. Thus, businesses choose to capture the attention of customers through video, which for these is a key factor to increase customer participation. Thus, 24% of respondents ensure that video investment will increase 70%.
Changes in recruitment
Finally, the analysis also took into account the employment relationship exist in the future between business and online marketing professionals. Thus, according to the investigators it highlighted “the passage of a permanent force to a contract and freelancing work force.”
In short, the cruise will travel professional hired member and member of the organization, with a tendency to disappear, and the emergence of independent professional or freelance.
Thus, although nowadays companies, says the study, hired as permanent staff to 42% of these professionals, is expected in the next 12 months this figure decreases to 23%. On the contrary, while today the number of freelance professionals is a minority, it is expected to climb to 30% next year.