Strategies and tips for a successful business meeting. The sales techniques borrowed from a romantic date.
Because the professional appointments and those sentimental have common aims the establishment of new relationships, it is clear what the facts are similar because, although they represent two different approaches, are uniquely focused on a kind of real courtship , attracting face the person for whom you interest test (the prospective client or the person who may become future partners).

Apart from the fact that the primary purpose is to start a business relationship or a relationship, in both cases, those who want to achieve good results already immediately, should use a mix of marketing techniques and seduction techniques which allows them to generate interest in the other object, drawing and flattering.
What we are referring techniques accurately?
Let’s find out right away with analyzing step by step the following 4 points designed specifically to help even the most novice seller to win any customer with the utmost simplicity: suggestions made in a sentimental field but also in the professional context, to put into practice every day to increase its network of useful contacts and secure an increasingly large audience.
# 1 – Do not prove aggressive or desperate
The first rule of our sales techniques asks those who offer a certain service product to avoid as much as possible any kind of aggressive or desperate attitude, because the person should proceed with a possible purchase for sure do not want to have anything to do with a depressed anxious, but rather relate to a serious professional and capable of transmitting not only safe, even maximum confidence: too much to force his hand to get the signature of a contract or prove overly push especially on a first date, the other person away.
# 2 – Start from the assumption that certain clients are not compatible with you and your company
Just as sometimes it happens in romantic dates that do not go to fruition, also a business meeting can betray the expectations and ended with a stalemate. This is because not all customers must always have to be compatible with the professional, your business or proposed products-services: at the precise moment when you realize that there are great opportunities to make a deal, it is best to avoid unnecessary pressure, thanking the representative of the time allowed to take leave and to devote more attention to requests pursuant to its offer.
# 3 – Avoid making monologues and listen to the other party
The good seller knows exactly what appears important to close a sale to speak as much as possible to the other party, forgoing having to listen to thousands of good reasons that should push him to prefer his merchandise rather than someone else’s. So those who want to do business must have the foresight to ask many questions and, above all, to listen very carefully to the answers given more to the customer as possible are given the opportunity to express themselves, the more likely that the same signs the contract, because by doing talk and confide you can better understand how to get it.
# 4 – Allow time, patience and confidence to every appointment
Although in some cases happen to start an appointment on the wrong foot , it is important to first give everything to lose and give up, strive to find other solutions that might bring the customer demand to supply the seller. If some initial attitude is not liked by one of the two speakers, you can always correct the roll during construction, placing itself in a different way and becoming more appreciative of the other person: often the time, patience and confidence in their abilities they can also turn the situation less favorable, turning it into a beneficial agreement for both parties.
These are our 4 sales techniques to take advantage of every day to get good results with the public: effective solutions that will allow the seller to increase less experienced customers.