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14 Facts of B2B Online Marketing

Online marketing does not stop with building a website. B2B companies that specialize in providing services to other companies are increasingly relying on display advertising, SEO, SEM and email marketing. In general, what is true for an online campaign in a B2C company is not always true for B2B marketing. These are 14 facts of online marketing for B2B companies:

Display advertising

  1. B2B enterprise portals sell advertising space directly and not through intermediaries.
  2. Many B2B portals have already sold their advertising space for some time.
  3. The B2B websites audience is more limited, but also much more specific.
  4. Display advertising campaign for B2C cannot be transferred directly to the B2B companies. It must be adapted.
  5. In the B2B marketing, there are spaces for powerful advertising formats, not only for banners, but also text ads.


  1. A campaign aimed at B2B search engine tend to leave out generic concepts such as ERP or CPM.
  2. B2B websites use specific keywords and any combination of them.
  3. The effectiveness of online B2B campaigns sharply declines on Friday and usually returns to the normal level at 1PM in Monday.
  4. The choice of keywords is intended for a specific audience.
  5. Ads for B2B campaign are not only focused on Google search engine, but also in specialized B2B search engines.

E-mail Marketing

  1. An e-mail marketing for B2B campaign are usually directed to key individual in a company, not to a company in general.
  2. The messages are usually designed to be relevant and provide better value to the recipient.

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