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Health and Safety in the Workplace

We live in a very money-orientated world and the Claim business has certainly come to the forefront of people’s attention with Claims firms encouraging the general public to seek compensation for lots of different reasons.  To help prevent accidents at work and thousands of pounds being paid out to their workforce, most companies have a Health and Safety Officer amongst their staff who is responsible for making sure the working environment is as safe as possible.  This person receives specialist training and passes on their knowledge to the other members of the team.

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There should always be a trained First Aider on the premises, and a constant supply of specialist Spill Kits provided by a professional company such as just in case there is an accidental spillage of any everyday or hazardous liquids.  The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for making sure all staff are trained on the use of any potentially dangerous solutions and will carry out daily checks to ensure everyone is working to the standards expected. If there is an accident the Health and Safety officer will make a thorough report and make sure this is passed onto any of the management team.

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There should always be Health and Safety guidelines on clear display, for all workers to read, in the office or on the factory floor.  Every member of the workforce should be aware of all the procedures and know what to do in the event of an accident.

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