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Birds to Look Out for in the Winter

Winter is a great time of the year to get out and see some of the bird species who are only here during the colder months – wrap up in warm clothing like this womens merino wool sweater and see if you can spot any of these winter bird visitors…

Waxwing – These strikingly beautiful birds look particularly exotic in the sparse winter woodlands of the UK where they arrive in the Autumn. They spend the winter here enjoying a more pleasant climate and better food than they would find in their native Scandinavia at this time of the year. They are generally seen in the North and East of the UK.

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Brambling – Flying in as winter arrives to escape the harsh conditions of the heavy snow in Scandinavia, these are winter visitors to a garden bird table where they can be tempted by nuts. They can be found in woodlands around the UK where they feast on nuts and seeds and enjoy less harsh winter conditions than they would experience further north.

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Barnacle Goose – Flying in from their summer nesting grounds in Norway and Greenland are the barnacle geese. Depending on their summer nesting ground, they will take a different route to the UK, and usually spend their winters in many wetland areas of the UK. They are incredibly fast fliers, being able to reach a speed of around 70miles per hour!

Bewick’s Swan – These large and striking swans make their dangerous journey each autumn from the frozen Russian Tundra to the UK. Not all of them make the journey sadly, and the flight to the UK takes them many weeks, with the first time flyers sticking close by their parents as they navigate the often treacherous flying conditions.




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