You are struggling to improve the conversion of your site, but all efforts are wasted? You are not alone in this. Many site owners do not understand that their actions only reduce the conversion. And even less of them know that just a few simple actions will not only stop the fall of the conversion, but also double or triple it. Conduct an audit and identify the places where you can introduce some improvements to correct the situation.
1. Unattractive appearance
The content of your site should lead the visitor to make a decision. And not just some solution, but beneficial for you. In order for this to happen, a person should stay on the site at least briefly for acquaintance with the existing packages of proposals. But this will never happen if the appearance of the web resource will have an unattractive appearance. A person will leave before reaching the goods, services and prices for them.
The use of unpleasant colors, the location of pictures, and unfortunate layout of the site, unreadable text and abuse of fonts – all this will scare away the potential client on the first seconds of his entry to the page. Therefore, to look professional – invest in the topic of the site. And do not be afraid that it will cost you several thousand dollars. Now the network has a lot of both paid and free templates, which you can “fit” to the subject of your business for a relatively small amount of money, having got a functional and pleasant Internet resource at the output.
2. Slow page loading
Slow loading of pages is one of the most powerful problems that causes a large number of bounce rates. Imagine yourself, you are a potentially interested person, went through a link in the SERP to an unknown site that is too slow to load. Will you wait five seconds? And ten? No, most likely, you will go to competitors, to those who took care of the nerves and time of their users and made sure that their resource was loaded with an adequate amount of time. Perhaps your site is also from such “irritants”? If so, do not be upset. This problem is solved easily and quickly enough. Hire a specialist who will audit, identify the main shortcomings that affect the time of loading pages, and optimize the site code and content to speed up the work of your resource.
3. Abuse of CTA Buttons
Even if you do not know what it is, you probably have it on the website. Button STA – “call-to-action” – a call to some specific action (register, leave a contact, follow the link, send the goods to the basket, get a promo code, etc.). Survival of any site lies in maintaining a balance between being able to please the search engines, and so as to please potential customers. Features of the development and promotion of sites are such that the resources created completely “for people” without adaptation to the search engines can dangle over the long pages of search results for years, which means that the people for whom they are created can never see them. Abuse of SEO, various kinds of adaptations to the algorithms of search engines turns to another extreme – such sites become impossible to read to ordinary people. And now, the owner of the resource is trying to reconcile users with the fact that he does not have everything on the site for people and is looking for ways to extract the maximum benefit from visits to the resource. For this he uses all these fascinating methods to divert attention from other shortcomings.
Trying to boost conversion with these methods, you scare away customers. Try to maximize one pop-up window on the page, do not blackmail the client (“click like to continue reading”), discard unnecessary greetings, introduce the option to collapse or completely close the chat. In general, show respect.
4. Absence of a specific niche
Many marketers mistakenly believe that all people visiting their site are target users. This is far from the case. The more general topics are chosen to attract customers, the higher the percentage of failures. Therefore, it is worth considering to narrow the specification and promotion topics. Experience shows that the most interested user is the one who came to your resource thanks to a long chain of narrowly focused questions. A person who knows exactly what he needs, will carry out the necessary actions and leave money for your product or service. Do research, understand the interests and specific needs of your audience and engage in specific users, not everyone who walks around the bush.