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What do bookkeepers do?

Bookkeepers can help support businesses and sole traders in a number of different ways and with more and more people looking to work for themselves the services of a Bookkeepers Hereford professional are more in demand than ever. There are a number of ways that a bookkeeper can help support a business and here are just a few of them.

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Daily transactions – a bookkeeper can help to record the day to day transactions that take place within the business. This helps to ensure that cash flow is kept positive and the use of accounting software helps to give real time information to both the bookkeeper, the accountant and the business owner.

Invoicing – bookkeepers can issue invoices on behalf of a business and this can help ensure that the business receives the monies that are owed to them in good time. Any late payments can be chased and the payments then reconciled.

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Expenses – a bookkeeper can help to input any expenses into your accounting software and they can attach electronic copies of any receipts that are linked to the expenses.

Payroll – if you run payroll within your business this is something that can be managed by your bookkeeper on a monthly basis.

Preparing reports – when it gets close to year end, a bookkeeper can help to prepare the reports that the accountant will need to use to file end of year accounts and to produce any management reports that are necessary.

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